Genetic testing offers new insights to people living with an inherited retinal disease (IRD)

Welcome to Eye Want 2 Know® (EW2KSM), a resource devoted to understanding the genetic causes of inherited retinal diseases (IRDs). Here we feature voices from the IRD community to help others become more empowered to take informed action. Let your voice be heard: declare “Eye Want 2 Know” and speak to your healthcare professional (HCP)

Healthcare professionals (HCPs) may include family doctors, pediatricians, nurses, ophthalmologists, retinal specialists, genetic counselors, and other medical staff.
today about genetic testing for you or a family member.

Eye Want 2 Know…

Why I need genetic testing for my IRD

Get the facts

Eye Want 2 Know…

How to get a genetic test for my IRD

Get tested


Providing a genetic sample is a long, complicated process.



Providing a sample for a genetic test is straightforward. Your HCP will collect a cheek (buccal) swab, saliva, or blood sample by the same process as any other swab, saliva, or blood draw. The sample will then be sent to the lab for analysis, which may take a few weeks to a few months. After that, you will be able to discuss your test results with your genetic counselor or other HCP.

Read about the genetic testing process

Choose an HCP
Healthcare professionals (HCPs) may include family doctors, pediatricians, nurses, ophthalmologists, retinal specialists, genetic counselors, and other medical staff.
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